Please add your organization to the CEEE coalition to support AB 1999 and repeal the utility tax.

AB 1999 (D, Irwin) would repeal the Utility Tax provision in AB 205 and prevent an increase in electricity bills for anyone living in an apartment or small home or anyone conserving energy.

WHY we support AB 1999, the bill to repeal the Utility Tax AB 205 repealed for the following reasons:

  1. AB 205 contradicts CA's historical commitment to transparent government. It was passed without public comment nor the input of environmental and climate justice communities. 

    AB 1999 was the product of a massive statewide public debate about a policy being shoved down the throats of CA working families by the IOUs and their elitist allies.

  2. The fixed-charge is not equitable and will disproportionately hurt low income families that live in apartments, condos, and small homes. 

    AB 1999 fixes that inequity by instituting a $5 fixed charge for CARE customers and a $10 fixed charge for customers outside of the CARE program. Under AB 1999 any raise in the fixed charge could not exceed inflation.

  3. The income verification process lends itself to fraud and corruption. 

    Under AB 1999 only CARE customers would be subject to income verification.

  4. When the Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs) are willing to reduce their Billions of dollars of yearly profit we will start to believe they actually care about frontline communities.

    AB 1999 proves that a group of CA legislators care about our state’s working families.

Thank you for your advocacy.