Empowering Communities: COFEM & CEEE Consumer Advocacy Initiative
Rooftop solar is one of the fastest-growing sectors in California’s economy. That is good news for ALL communities. Unfortunately, like in any industry, you have people who are either underqualified or willing to exploit customers, often elders in our communities, in the name of a quick buck. That’s why CEEE has partnered with Save California Solar and the immigrant advocacy organization the Council of Mexican Federations in North America (COFEM) to empower solar customers to make informed decisions and understand their consumer rights.
Solar can be a great deal. But be careful before you buy.
Five things to do FOR SURE before you become a solar customer.
Get three bids - no matter what.
Make sure they are members of CALSSA and also certified by NABCEP
Make sure they come to your house and do a full evaluation
If they don't make sense to you or don't answer your questions in a way you understand, don't go with them
Avoid clickbait ads on Facebook. If you see an interesting ad, go to the solar company's website yourself, on your own terms. similarly, door-to-door salespeople are fine but don't sign up for anything on the spot. see items 1-4 above
If you have any more questions about you rights as a solar consumer please let us know.