CEEE, A Diverse Coalition of Communities for Energy Democracy
CEEE, A Diverse Coalition of Communities for Energy Democracy
CEEE Leadership
Reverend Ambrose Carroll, Green The Church
The Reverend Doctor Ambrose Carroll, Sr., senior pastor at Renewable Worship Center Oakland, CA, is one of the nation’s most prominent Practical Theologians. Additionally, Dr. Carroll founded “Green the Church,” a national non-profit at the intersection of the Black faith community and environmental justice. GTC's mission is the 'Greening' of Black Church by helping to facilitate the creation of sustainable Green energy hubs on church properties. Dr. Carroll also serves on the Steering Committee of the California Interfaith Power and Light (CIPL) and the Environmental Protection Agency's National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC.)
Esperanza Vielma, Environmental Justice Coalition for Water
Esperanza Vielma is one of California’s leading community advocates on issues related to environmental and social equity. The Executive Director of the Environmental Justice Coalition for Water, Esperanza has led efforts to the fragile ecosystem of California’s Delta, served as chair of the Environmental Justice Advisory Group for the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, and most recently assisted in vaccinating underserved communities across the Central Valley.
Francisco Moreno, Federation of Clubs and Associations of Michoacanos in North America
Francisco ‘Paco’ Moreno has advocated for social justice and economic fairness for immigrant communities for more than twenty years. Mr. Moreno has previously served he was president of Los Reyes Mich Social Club, President of the Federation "Lázaro Cárdenas del Rio." Founder of the Federation of Clubs and Associations of Michoacanos in North America (FECADEMIN). President and co-founder of the Council of Mexican Federations in North America (COFEM), Founder of MIMEX (Mexican Migrants Abroad.)