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Energy Democracy in Action
No on AB 492
Energy Democracy Legislation
Lobby your Legislator for Energy Democracy
Grassroots messaging
Let's Talk Energy Democracy
The Steps to Clean & Affordable Energy
A Transformative Energy Society
Our Values
Mission Statement
What is Energy Democracy?
Energy Dem Review
The Crony Energy Machine
PG&E Timeline of Malevolence
Nefarious Fixed-Rate Timeline
Bornstein Conflict
Huge salaries for utility executives
Utility Greed and Big Bonuses
Incredible Salaries and Greed PG&E
Analysis of CPUC Proposed Decision
OP/EDs, Press Releases & News
New fixed fee, recent rate hikes burdening PG&E ratepayes
Why California’s plan to let PG&E charge you a fixed monthly fee is as flawed as it sounds
Congressional Letter anti-fixed charge
Utility Tax Repeal Bill Introduced
The income-based electricity bill provision is a mistake that will raise your rates.
Fixed-Rate Hurts Working Families
Reliability Media Release
Utility profits up, costs down
Clean Coalition Study
Mercury News OP/ED
Letter to the Governor
San Francisco Examiner OP/ED
LA Sentinel, Pastor Carroll OP/ED
Good Reads
CA inexplicable fee changes
Governor & Legislators Drop Bad Affordability Plan
So where’s this affordability package?
Millions of Utility Rates Going Up
The energy revolution
Why we need energy justice
Consumers Beware
Energy Insecurity
PG&E Liability
IOU Executives are thriving
BEWARE: Utility Front Groups
Utility Rate Proposal Unfair
A weird, foolish plan
Higher Bills for Everyone
Legislators Letter-STOP the fixed charge plan
SDG&E Misinformation
Could Rooftop Solar Really Provide Enough Electricity For The Entire World?
CEEE Productions
Our Coalition
About the Coalition
Consumer Advocacy
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Energy Democracy in Action
No on AB 492
Energy Democracy Legislation
Lobby your Legislator for Energy Democracy
Grassroots messaging
Let's Talk Energy Democracy
The Steps to Clean & Affordable Energy
A Transformative Energy Society
Our Values
Mission Statement
What is Energy Democracy?
Energy Dem Review
The Crony Energy Machine
PG&E Timeline of Malevolence
Nefarious Fixed-Rate Timeline
Bornstein Conflict
Huge salaries for utility executives
Utility Greed and Big Bonuses
Incredible Salaries and Greed PG&E
Analysis of CPUC Proposed Decision
OP/EDs, Press Releases & News
New fixed fee, recent rate hikes burdening PG&E ratepayes
Why California’s plan to let PG&E charge you a fixed monthly fee is as flawed as it sounds
Congressional Letter anti-fixed charge
Utility Tax Repeal Bill Introduced
The income-based electricity bill provision is a mistake that will raise your rates.
Fixed-Rate Hurts Working Families
Reliability Media Release
Utility profits up, costs down
Clean Coalition Study
Mercury News OP/ED
Letter to the Governor
San Francisco Examiner OP/ED
LA Sentinel, Pastor Carroll OP/ED
Good Reads
CA inexplicable fee changes
Governor & Legislators Drop Bad Affordability Plan
So where’s this affordability package?
Millions of Utility Rates Going Up
The energy revolution
Why we need energy justice
Consumers Beware
Energy Insecurity
PG&E Liability
IOU Executives are thriving
BEWARE: Utility Front Groups
Utility Rate Proposal Unfair
A weird, foolish plan
Higher Bills for Everyone
Legislators Letter-STOP the fixed charge plan
SDG&E Misinformation
Could Rooftop Solar Really Provide Enough Electricity For The Entire World?
CEEE Productions
Our Coalition
About the Coalition
Consumer Advocacy
Open Menu
Close Menu
Energy Democracy in Action
No on AB 492
Energy Democracy Legislation
Lobby your Legislator for Energy Democracy
Grassroots messaging
Let's Talk Energy Democracy
The Steps to Clean & Affordable Energy
A Transformative Energy Society
Our Values
Mission Statement
What is Energy Democracy?
Energy Dem Review
The Crony Energy Machine
PG&E Timeline of Malevolence
Nefarious Fixed-Rate Timeline
Bornstein Conflict
Huge salaries for utility executives
Utility Greed and Big Bonuses
Incredible Salaries and Greed PG&E
Analysis of CPUC Proposed Decision
OP/EDs, Press Releases & News
New fixed fee, recent rate hikes burdening PG&E ratepayes
Why California’s plan to let PG&E charge you a fixed monthly fee is as flawed as it sounds
Congressional Letter anti-fixed charge
Utility Tax Repeal Bill Introduced
The income-based electricity bill provision is a mistake that will raise your rates.
Fixed-Rate Hurts Working Families
Reliability Media Release
Utility profits up, costs down
Clean Coalition Study
Mercury News OP/ED
Letter to the Governor
San Francisco Examiner OP/ED
LA Sentinel, Pastor Carroll OP/ED
Good Reads
CA inexplicable fee changes
Governor & Legislators Drop Bad Affordability Plan
So where’s this affordability package?
Millions of Utility Rates Going Up
The energy revolution
Why we need energy justice
Consumers Beware
Energy Insecurity
PG&E Liability
IOU Executives are thriving
BEWARE: Utility Front Groups
Utility Rate Proposal Unfair
A weird, foolish plan
Higher Bills for Everyone
Legislators Letter-STOP the fixed charge plan
SDG&E Misinformation
Could Rooftop Solar Really Provide Enough Electricity For The Entire World?
CEEE Productions
Our Coalition
About the Coalition
Consumer Advocacy
CEEE OP/ED in the San Jose Mercury News