Please Tell the Governor to STAND with California schools, churches, renters, and small businesses.

SB 1374 fixes a misguided CPUC ruling that removed incentives for schools, churches, small farms, businesses, and apartments to generate their own clean solar energy, lowering electric costs for California’s students, parishioners, renters, and small farmers.





Follow these steps




 Governor Newsom. I am (name) I am a (climate justice energy justice, environmental justice advocate) from (your local community or organization.)

 I am writing to urge you to stand with California's schools, churches, renters, and small businesses and sign SB 1374.

 Our energy transition demands that we use more renewable energy resources, and prioritizing the availability of those resources is smart public policy and a move toward a more equitable distribution of Green resources for low-income communities.

 For all these reasons, PLEASE SIGN SB 1374 into law. That signature will help solidify your reputation as a national leader on climate and equity issues/ A veto will damage that reputation.

 Thank you for your attention to this issue.

 (This is just sample. It is always better to use your own voice when writing)

Others ways to influence the Governor on social media

@CAgovernor, please sign #SB 1374 @JoshBeckerSV to restore the right of renters, churches, schools, and nonprofit organizations to make and consume their own solar energy. This is the best path to clean and affordable energy for working communities. Solidify your Green legacy!

 @gavinnewson please SIGN #SB 1374 to restore the right of renters, churches, schools, and nonprofit organizations to make and consume their own solar energy. This is the best path to clean and affordable energy for working communities. A signature on SB 1374 will show your commitment to the Green energy revolution and solidify your Green legacy! @Josh Becker #SignSB1374

Hello. My name is (?.) Governor Newsom. I am a climate and environmental justice advocate who represents frontline communities. I am putting this video together to ask you to please, please SIGN SB 1374. By signing SB 1374 you can help solidy your Green legacy by restoring the right of right of renters, churches, schools, and nonprofit organizations to generate and consume their own solar energy. Putting your signature on AB 1374 will help advance the Green revolution and solidify your Green legacy! Thank you